How to get Tax Identification Number in Nigeria - TIN

Image of Taxpayer Identification Number logo

What is TIN

A taxpayer's identity number (TIN) is a special number that distinguishes an individual or organization for the purposes of paying taxes. Everyone needs a specific TIN because filing taxes is a requirement for both individuals and businesses.

The Tax Authority typically issues the number, either online through the Joint Tax Board portal or by letter to the Federal Inland Revenue Services office that is closest to your location.

How To Generate TIN for Individuals Online

On the JTB website, individuals can apply using their NIN or BVN (Bank Verification Number). 

1. Go to this website to search for your TIN at
You will see this page
Image of JTB form to get TIN in Nigeria

2. Use your BVN, NIN, Date of birth and Phone Number to search for your TIN number Now as an employee (or former) you most likely already have a TIN, if you already have TIN it will appear fews minutes after you have clicked search. So all you need is to copy the number .
If nothing shows up, it means that you don’t have a TIN yet. All you fill do is to click on next to apply for Tax Identification Number TIN.

A form will appear, fill the form and submit.

3. After you complete it with your details, a mail will be sent to you (use correct emails) containing request ID (Keep your request ID safe for it will be used for tracking purpose)

The mail will look like this,
Image of Email with request ID for Tax Identification number registration

This process can take less than 2 hours.

4. Another mail will arrive after the might have completed you TIN registration. The mail will contain the Tax Identification Number (TIN) in form of alphanumeric.

Image of Email for TIN registration in Nigeria

How can I get Tax Identification Number

Here is a look at how Nigerian citizens can obtain their TINs.
1. The candidate must go to the neighborhood FIRS office.
2. Request a TIN application form at the front desk or customer service counter.
3. Fill complete the application in its entirety, making sure you filled every blank with an asterisk.

4. When you're done filling it out, add your signature to the document.
5. Make sure you have accurately attached all necessary documents.
6. Send it to the appropriate individual at the FIRS office.
8. The appropriate department will get your application and review it.
9. The FIRS will then get in touch with you to discuss issuing a TIN.

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