Gov Aliyu disguises self, rides in tricycle to Sokoto special hospital

Image of Governor Ahmad Aliyu
Governor Ahmad Aliyu 

In order to evaluate the calibre of services offered by the facility, Sokoto State Governor Ahmad Aliyu visited the Sokoto Specialist Hospital on Monday without prior appointment.

The governor's press secretary, Malam Abubakar Bawa, made this information public on Monday in Sokoto.

According to Bawa, the governor's decision to make an unannounced visit to the hospital followed a number of complaints about inadequate service delivery from state residents.

The governor's visit to the hospital was also prompted by other issues, including crumbling buildings, irregular power, a lack of staff, and a lack of functional medical equipment, according to the governor's press secretary.

He claimed that the governor rode a tricycle into the hospital to speak with the staff members directly.

"I was astonished by what I witnessed during my four-hour visit to the hospital, which gave me the chance to observe things firsthand.

"Due to the medical facility's filthy surroundings and lack of working equipment, patients and their loved ones are exposed to all types of harmful scenarios.Due to the hospital's inconsistent electrical supply, patients' families only use alternate forms of energy.

The governor was quoted by Bawa as stating, "I have directed the management of the hospital to see me for further discussions on how to solve the problem.

According to a senior management source, the hospital's bad condition was caused by previous state governments' unwillingness to release the monthly funds that were owed to it.(NAN)

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