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Back pain is physical pain or discomfort in the back that is been experienced by many. Some back pain can be mild why others can be severe. Studies have shown that eight persons in every 10 pupil have back pain at some point in their life.
This back pain can be lower back pain which is always experienced at the back of the waist and the upper back pains which is usually experienced at the top back before the neck.
Back pain can be experienced in form of muscle aching, burning and stabbing sensation. It can worsen with bending, lifting and standing.
You maybe wondering what are the possible causes of this pains that just develop from no where, this pains most times just start without any clue of what maybe the cause.
When ever you experience back pain, it may be as a result of one of this causes of back pain.
Causes of back pain
1. Muscle Strain
Uncoordinated movement can Strain back muscle, also lifting of heavy weights for a long period of time can Strain back muscle and cause serious painful muscles.
2. Ruptured Disks
Disks are found in the bones in spine. The soft or sponge material inside a disk can rupture and mount pressure to the nerves which will cause back pain.
3. Age
Back pain is common in old age. The more you get older the more your bone mass and density decreases, it will lead to weakness of bone which in turn can result to back pain.
4. Overweight
Overweight body mounts extra pressure and stress on the back.
5. Routine works that mount pressure on the back
Repeated work that stress the back such as lifting, bending and sitting one place for a long time.
6. Smoking
Smoking reduce blood flow to the spine which increases the risk of Osteoporosis. Coughing which is associated with smoking can lead to herniated disk.
7. Arthritis
Arthritis can affect the lower back which can result to lower back pain.
Understanding the causes of back pain will help you to manage back pain effectively. That's why it is good for you to know the causes of some back pains before diving to ways to manage back pains effectively.
You have read a little about causes of back pain, let's now go straight to the main reason you are reading this article which is, 'ways to manage back pain effectively'.
You can manage back pain or prevent it's recurrence by improving your physical condition, learning and practicing good body postures.
Ways of managing back pain
It is advisable that a severe back pain should be examined by your doctor, the same is applicable to pains that refuses to go away.
1. Remain Active
Being active is one of the crucial thing your doctor will recommend to you, though it may be a bit discomfort to engage in physical activities while experiencing back pain but being active helps a lot to strengthen your muscle and bone which will help to reduce back pain. Make sure you engage in your normal level of day to day activities and movement.
You can take a walk for about 30 - 40 minutes, move around with dog and circling if you are young enough for that. Not being active, "allows the muscles around the spine and in the back to become weak," states Salman Hemani, MD and assistant Professor of Orthopedics at Emory University of School of medicine in Atlanta.
He went further to say, that as a result of this weakness, it causes less support for the spine and lead to a long term pain.
2. Maintain Good Body Posture
Maintaining good posture can help to reduce the pressure on your back. You can use straps, tape or stretchy band to keep your spine in alignment. Always get up from your chair, stretch and walk around for some minutes. Keep your back straight and avoid bending your back for a long period of time.
3. Keep your weight in check and maintain a healthy weight
Overweight is one of the causes of back pain, removing extra pounds reduces the load on your lower back.
Hemani said; Weight loss reduces the amount of force onto the spine and it really helps with back pain.
4. Body Massage or Physical therapy.
Body massage helps to loosen stiff muscles and relax the muscles. These helps to reduce back pain.
5. Stop Smoking
Cigarettes and other tobacco products contains Nicotine which can weaken your spinal bones and reduce nutrients from this disks that supports your spine. It is best you quit smoking if you are experiencing back pain.
6. Using Heat and Ice
Heating pad is useful in relaxing of stiff or tight muscles.
Ice is also proven to be effective in managing back pains that is associated with swelling or inflammation. It is advised not to use heat and ice if you are putting muscle-ache creams on your skin.
7. Use Pain Reliever Skin Cream
Most of these creams for body pain contains ingredients like camphor, menthol or lidocaine that relax, heat or numb the area that you are experiencing the pain.
8. Source for Supplements
Sometimes the body rate of absorption of vitamins and minerals may drop due to other health factors. Supplement may help in this situation. You can ask your doctor whether supplements can work.
Magnesium and Vitamin D deficiency leads to muscle weakness, cramps and poor bone health. It is advisable to talk to your doctor before going for any supplement.
9. Use OTC Pain Reliever Medication
Over-the-counter pain medication such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) e.g ibuprofen, aspirin and naproxen. They helps to reduce inflammation that can cause swelling and pains.
10. Exercise Regularly
Exercise help to strengthen the body muscles which give support to the bones and spine and reduce pressure on it.
11. Have Enough Sleep
When you don't get enough sleep, your back pain will be worst. Make sure you have enough sleep needed for your optimal body functioning. Also practice good sleeping positions, such as try lying on side, placing a pillow between your knees to keep your spine in a perfect position and reduce strain on your back.
ALSO READ: Best Sleeping Positions To Relieve Back Pain.
The above method of managing back pain is proven to work effectively for many. Any one that makes you feel better, keep on doing it.
If the pain becomes chronic, don't hesitate to see your doctor.