NCDC - Nigeria faces a moderate risk of Marburg virus outbreak

NCDC DG image

The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, NCDC, has stated that the country is at a moderate risk of contracting the Marburg virus disease due to its proximity to Ghana, a neighbor and country where the Marburg virus had been detected.

To this purpose, the agency has instructed people to test for the virus at the University of Lagos Teaching Hospital Laboratory Centre for Human and Zoonotic Virology and the National Reference Laboratory in Abuja.

In a statement released yesterday, the NCDC's Director General, Dr. Ifedayo Adetifa, said that the organization was on high alert due to the close proximity of Ghana to Nigeria and the notice from the World Health Organization.

Two cases involving two unrelated guys, 26 and 51 years old, who both passed away from the illness have been recorded from Ghana.

Following a prior occurrence in Guinea in August 2021, the zoonotic disease had been discovered in West Africa for the second time.

Researchers first learned about it, when the illness first appeared in Frankfurt, Germany, and Belgrade, Serbia, in 1967, 

In certain African nations since then, outbreaks and isolated cases have been documented.

Like its closest relative Ebola and the only other virus in the Filoviridae family, the Marburg virus infects humans and non-human primates and produces a rare, highly contagious sickness and severe hemorrhagic fever.

The NCDC’s statement read: 

“Given the proximity of Ghana to Nigeria as well as the WHO alert, the NCDC-led multisectoral National Emerging Viral Haemorrhagic Diseases Working Group (EVHDWG) that coordinates preparedness efforts for MVD, and other emerging viral haemorrhagic diseases has conducted a rapid risk assessment to guide in-country preparedness activities.

“Based on available data, the overall risk of both importation of the disease and its potential impact on the Nigerian population is said to be Moderate as assessed by NCDC experts and partners given the following: the proximity (same region), high traffic from Ghana and countries that share borders with Ghana, the incubation period of 21 days of the virus, heightened surveillance at point of entry, Nigeria’s capacity to respond to the outbreak in the country and the fact that persons with MVD transmit the virus when they become symptomatic unlike for SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19 that can also be transmitted by infected persons without symptoms.”

“Nigeria has the capacity to test for the virus presently at the National Reference Laboratory in Abuja and the University of Lagos Teaching Hospital laboratory Centre for Human and Zoonotic Virology. Diagnostic capacity can be scaled up to other laboratories if required. Nigeria has the resources (human, technical, and laboratory) for prompt identification and management in the event of a single imported case.

“However, the risk of importation may be further reduced as the current situation in Ghana is under control as reported by Ghana Health Service. Active case finding is ongoing in Ghana while there is heightened surveillance in Togo and Benin. Therefore, the response situation may change in the coming days with the control efforts in Ghana and advisories as may be issued by the WHO.

“In addition, many of the contacts under follow-up in Ghana will soon exit the 21-day quarantine period and so far, there have been no secondary cases reported.

“Currently, no case of Marburg virus disease has been reported in Nigeria. However, several measures are being put in place to prevent an outbreak of the disease in-country.

The National Reference Laboratory has the capacity to test for MVD, point of entry surveillance has been heightened, trained rapid response teams are on standby to be deployed in the event of an outbreak and the NCDC’s Incident Coordination Centre is in alert mode.

“The NCDC is also amplifying risk communication efforts and continues to work with States and partners to strengthen preparedness activities which include– review of risk communication protocols, plans, and messages in the event of an outbreak.”

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