India Prime Minister, Modi, official twitter account hacked

The official Twitter record of Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi's own site has been hacked. 

Twitter affirmed the hack happened earlier on Thursday September 3, as arrangement of tweets were sent from the account requesting that its supporters donate digital money(Cryptocurrency) to the Prime minister's alleviation fund. 

Twitter, in an announcement said it knew about the movement and had found a way to secure the account. 

The account @Narendramodi_in is the official Twitter handle for Modi's personal website and has more than 2.5 million followers.The account was created in May 2011. 

However, Modi's own personal Twitter account, with in excess of 61 million followers, was unaffected by the episode. 

"We are effectively examining the circumstance. 

"Right now, we don't know about extra records being affected," a Twitter representative said in a messaged articulation.

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