A dog bite off a boy penis during birthday celebration

A two-year-old boy is fighting for his life after dogs tore off his penis at home while his parents were celebrating his birthday.


Yegor was found lying unconscious in a pool of blood outside his house after being mutilated by two German Shepherd guard dogs.

The horrific incident occurred in the small town of Selydove, eastern Ukraine, on Friday, September 18, as the family were celebrating the boy's second birthday.


Reports say the toddler walked outside unnoticed while his parents were sitting at a festive table with their guests.

Yegor was wandering around the courtyard when the dogs broke out of their enclosure and attacked him.


Noticing the child's absence, the parents went to search for him. They found him on the floor with the dogs still tearing him apart.

The dogs ripped off the boy's penis, anus and tore the femoral artery on his left leg, say local media. 

Considering the severity of his injuries, Yegor was transported by a military helicopter to the city of Dnipro.

He was admitted to Dnipro Regional Children's Hospital where four crews of surgeons started battling for his life.

It took medics five hours to restore his damaged blood vessels, bladder and intestines. They also removed tissues "that had been chewed by the dogs."

Doctors are now trying to save the boy's left leg from amputation, reports said.

Natalia Dementyeva, the head of the hospital commented"He is receiving powerful antibacterial therapy but we are expecting the development of inflammatory processes that are usual complications in such cases."

Police have launched a criminal case for failure to fulfil parental duties resulted in severe consequences against Yegor's mother and father.


Police spokeswoman Aleksandra Gavrilko told: "The boy's parents are being interrogated. Forensic examinations are underway."


The parents will face up to three years in prison if found guilty.

SOURCE: Lindaikejisblog


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