Witchcraft is the practice of magical skills which involves the use of materials to cast spells, transform and operate in spiritual realms. Witchcraft ideology varies in different part of the country, in Nigeria witchcraft practice is characterized by group though of "black Witches" which encompasses  spiritual manipulation, casting of spells, killing of loved ones, astro projection, and transformation from one form to another. From some confessions made by some witches in Nigeria transformation from human to other being in other to be able to carry out their activities with no huddles is a common thing between them.
  Though witchcraft and its effect is over rate in Nigeria but that will not make us to look down on it as the art  have come a long way. Some art of witchcraft sited in the Bible:

Read 2 Chronicles 33:6 Using Other Translations and he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: also he observed times, and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger.

It is on this study of art of witchcraft that i come to notice that witches are more mentioned that wizard in Nigeria. Why should be the questions.  The reason is because most  Nigeria men have short life span than the women,  this women growing old and witnessing the death of his husband relative in long run may affect the psych of the younger generation, many questions will be in there head such as why is she still alive and her husband and brothers have died long ago?, when they can not come to a reasonable conclusion they have no option than to tag her witch. 

Understanding witchcraft is not really and easy one, that's why those that have carryout research on witchcraft choose to organize a witch conference for better understanding of witchcraft and it's operations.  The witch conference was organized by a lecturer at Enugu in the University of Nigeria Nsukka by Prof. Dr. Egodi Uchendu First International Conference on “Witchcraft” 

Witch craft in Nigeria is fluid but with time more theories on witchcraft will emerge which will be a clearer bases for inference.



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